Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Dark Side suggestion that love heals the world

There are many approaches to fix a problem, but all fixes are more harmful than the original problem.

Why? Because fix come from the same level of consciousness as the problem... and ultimately that kind of solution: a fix, is the root of the next problem. Like marriage: a fix for loneliness, and the start of more and bigger problems... yet it doesn"t stop loneliness... (Marriage is two people combining efforts to solve problems that would not exist without the marriage...)

Instead of dealing with what frightens you today, what you want to get rid of so you can live your puny little life, let"s go back to a time and situation where you weren"t even born, and it probably didn"t effect you much.


You look at it and you can"t imagine why I would bring it up... that signals a lack of ability to see under the hood...

The time we"ll go back to examine is the rise of the Third Reich... Hitler"s Nazi Germany.

#ActivatingAbilities, #newcapacities, #Raiseyourlevelofconsciousness

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