Sunday, November 22, 2015

What can my recent anger teach you?

I have said before: What you see is the most important element in your life. In this article you"ll see, that what you see is also directed by where you are looking... You can look at one thing or you can look at another ting... and your actions will be sharply different. ((For completeness sake, where you are looking from is also an important factor... where the "where" is not a place, it"s an attitude, expectation, or an already knowing. If this made no sense... it is new to you. Ask me to write an article about that. But here is an example for already knowing: "Carlos never listens to me..." it is from where you are looking...))

So read this article with that in mind: it will make it more valuable to you.

I have been angry for the past few days.

It is a familiar place where I"ve gone before: I started to pay attention to the results, good or bad, instead of paying attention to something I can control, something that belongs to me.

The results are not up to you. Really.

All you can do is all you can do, and all you can do is enough...

Actions, the doing, comes from the beingness... Beingness comes from within... from consciousness.

The doing, the actions cause something... whatever the results may be, and that is the having...

You"ll have the results.

We tend to get angry about the results... as if the world owed us the results we had in mind.

But the truth is, that even the best actions don"t produce the results that you had in mind, unless you are the only person in the game. No partners, no customers, no family... just you.

#ActivatingAbilities, #ExpandingHumanBeing

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