Thursday, November 12, 2015

With abilities: should you get them when you need them, or should you get them now?

I hope by now it is getting a little clearer: an activated ability, an unlocked ability is useless until you need it.

You create opportunities for needing the new ability by "putting yourself in harm"s way", meaning any activity where you can fail, where you can be proven to be less than, stupid, look bad, etc. unless you use your new ability. What activity? You"ll be surprised that also any activity that fits the criteria.

The process is called "actualization" or said in another way, making it real, making it working, making it show itself.

Most self-help programs, especially extreme programs, work on those... bringing your hidden and unused abilities to the surface, to work. I experienced that in many: fearless, self-trust, the sight all got revealed to me, and given a workout. Maybe more... I haven"t done any of those programs in a long while.

Actualization... Actual... as in real. Real for you, real for others. The opposite of actual is imaginary. Maybe even potential. but not real. ((existing in fact; typically as contrasted with what was intended, expected, or believed.))

Like with anything, digging for a well when you are thirsty is often too late... Activating abilities, energetically, the thing I do, is like digging for a well.


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