Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Notes from my experience with activating the DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions

The new capacity, the capacity to see the consequences of your actions, clearly, like a diagram is an unconscious capacity. Unconscious meaning: you don"t necessarily notice any difference, especially if

your ego keeps shouting: it"s hopeless...
the subconscious will keep on feeding you the same nonsense it"s been feeding you to get you where you are...
greed, urges, jumping, impulsiveness will have you jump without looking. The fact that you can see doesn"t guarantee that you"ll look.

All activation was successful... I am writing in the process, and I almost never write: the energy went through... I take it for granted that you understand. I found out some people don"t... :-(
Ego noise
here is a person who will have a hard time acting with what he sees, because of all the noise the ego makes:

this is what I wrote down while I was doing the activation

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