Thursday, October 29, 2015

Let"s talk a little bit of what would make you first want to participate with me, buy stuff, and then go away?

What attracts you to me and my site is hope. And what takes you away is also hope.

Hope is a state where you don"t accept the way it is, you, others, the world, and you are looking for some light that others promise, that others seem to get, but not you.

You base hope on the view you have of others.

Hope also signifies a state where all needs to come from the outside, because you"re sure don"t have it.

You are like a moth being attracted to any light, even if it is fire that burns it.

I got a vibrational measurement request from a client. His vibration dropped 70 points. I checked and he has nine attachments. I have already pulled attachments from him, but he went and got himself nine more, some of those are those infectious attachments you get from healers, energy movers like Christie Marie Sheldon, from practitioners of the Access Consciousness Bars method, and lots more I haven"t identified yet.


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